All Idioms

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heart of gold

Meaning: typically refers to someone who is kind, generous, and caring.

Example: Despite facing financial struggles herself, Bella always finds ways to help those in need, truly possessing a heart of gold. Read more ➺

out of this world

Meaning: used to describe something that is exceptionally good, impressive, or remarkable.

Example: The food at that restaurant is out of this world. Read more ➺

grin from ear to ear

Meaning: to have a wide smile extending from one ear to the other, often indicating extreme joy or satisfaction.

Example: When Sophia saw her birthday cake, she grinned from ear to ear. Read more ➺

until the cows come home

Meaning: for a long time or indefinitely.

Example: I'll keep drawing pictures on the sidewalk with chalk until the cows come home. Read more ➺

chickens come home to roost

Meaning: everyone eventually faces the consequences of their actions.

Example: After years of exploiting others, his wealth vanished overnight, and the chickens came home to roost. Read more ➺

monkey see monkey do

Meaning: blindly copying others' actions without critical thinking.

Example: The kids copied the teacher's moves, like "monkey see, monkey do," during the dance. Read more ➺

all hat and no cattle

Meaning: Someone who talks big but doesn't follow through with action.

Example: Despite his speeches, the politician was all hat and no cattle. Read more ➺

salt of the earth

Meaning: A person who is considered to be honest, dependable, and trustworthy.

Example: Alicia is the salt of the earth, always willing to help without expecting anything in return. Read more ➺

if not more

Meaning: It implies that the quantity mentioned is the minimum, with the possibility of it being greater.

Example: She ate five slices of pizza, if not more, at the party. Read more ➺

wolf in sheep’s clothing

Meaning: deceptive appearance, like a dangerous person disguised as harmless.

Example: The new employee was a wolf in sheep's clothing, stealing company secrets. Read more ➺
